Top Crop Producing Countries

Crop Country
Largest producer of cardamomIndonesia
Largest producer of vanilla Madagascar
Largest producer of black pepper Vietnam
Largest producer of rubber Thailand
Largest producer of maizeUnited States
Largest producer of cashew nutCote d’Ivoire
Largest producer of cinnamon Indonesia
Largest producer of clovesIndonesia
Largest producer of cocoa Cote d’Ivoire
Largest producer of coconutsIndonesia
Largest producer of coffee Brazil
Largest producer of dates Egypt
Largest producer of orangesBrazil
Largest producer of pistachiosUSA
Largest producer of quinoa Peru
Largest producer of strawberryChina
Largest producer of walnuts China
Largest producer of apricots Turkey
Largest producer of almonds USA
Largest producer of saffronIran

Crops : India's Rank in the World

Feature Rank
Millets, Lemon & limes, Bananas, Coir, Ginger, Mangoes, Papayas, Jute, Castor Oil seed, CottonseedFirst
Sugarcane, Wheat, Onion, Potatoes, Garlic, Rice, Tea, Oranges, Lentils, Silk, TobaccoSecond

Source: UNFAO Website as of April 2022 for 2020 (latest available)

Test Yourself

1. Largest producer of dates
2. Largest producer of vanilla
3. Largest producer of coffee
4. Largest producer of saffron
5. Largest producer of quinoa
6. Largest producer of coconuts
7. Largest producer of rubber
8. Largest producer of mangoes