Sentence Improvement – 13

Click on the option given under each question which you think will improve the sentence.


1. The girl has passed the B.A. examination in 1972.

  1. The girl passed
  2. The girl had passed
  3. The girl was passed
  4. No improvement

2. I hope you will look me up when you come to Delhi.

  1. look at me
  2. look me
  3. look upon me
  4. No improvement

3. The clerk asked the peon that why has he come to the office so late.

  1. why had he
  2. why he had
  3. that why he had
  4. No improvement

4. They went to the cinema and has got back to their house at nine o'clock.

  1. returned
  2. turning back
  3. come back
  4. No improvement

5. Which of the two boxes is more preferable?

  1. more preferred
  2. preferable
  3. better preferred
  4. No improvement

6. I think he will ask for a raise into the salary very soon.

  1. for a raise in salary
  2. for the raise of salary
  3. for rising the salary
  4. No improvement


7. I have been working in the same factory for the last twenty years now.

  1. will work
  2. shall be working
  3. worked
  4. No improvement

8. I must confess that I am very bad in operating machines.

  1. on
  2. at
  3. for
  4. No improvement

9. It was the hottest part of the year and also the busy in the office.

  1. busiest
  2. much busy
  3. the busiest
  4. No improvement

10. I am afraid, I don't know his name.

  1. I fear
  2. I feel
  3. I imagine
  4. No improvement